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Qigong Flow for Energy Workers, Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

29. Okt, 17:00 - 18:00

Online Qigong Flow Class with gentle movements designed for energetic clearing, grounding, and reconnecting your central channel.

Beginners Welcome!

Do you tend to take on the energy of others?!

Do you provide hands on healing or energetic readings for others?!

Are you sensitive or intuitive to energies around you?!

Qigong Flow can help manage your sensitivities!

In this specially designed Qigong Flow Class for Energy Workers, Empaths and Highly Sensitive People, you will be guided through a series of targeted gentle practices to release accumulated energies from others, ground your energy, establish your central channel meridian, and strengthen your energetic boundary (aura). This class emphasizes connecting deeper to your energetic alignment and powerful life force Qi!

How do I know this practice works?! I myself am an energetic sensitive and the practice of Qigong Flow has been immensely helpful to me in having a greater understanding of my energetic structure, and the practice provides movements and techniques to manage/modulate my energy in real time!

Qigong means “life force energy skill” and is an ancient traditional Chinese practice consisting of slow repetitive gentle movement, stillness, breathwork, and visualization for total mind, body, and spirit wellbeing.

Through Qigong, your unique energy is rebalanced for optimum vitality, wellbeing of the body and organs, self-nourishment, energy cultivation, energy conservation, and emotional stability.

Bright Spirit Qigong classes follow the YOQI® Method of the Six Phases of Qi Flow (attune, purge, tonify, grow, circulate, and integrate) within the framework of the Five Elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This balancing and harmonizing practice aligns your Qi energy with the unlimited energy of the seasons, the Earth, and the Cosmos.

Some benefits of Qigong are feeling:

• Energized

• Peaceful

• Aligned

• Balanced

• Harmonized

• Flexible

• Calm

• Vital

• Grounded and

• Connected

This practice does not require memorization of movements and can entirely be done standing, modified, or seated in a chair. No equipment required.

Best practices: Space – Outdoors in good weather or indoors by a natural light source (window) with enough room to move your arms. Clothing – Loose clothing appropriate for the season. Foot ware – Barefoot or comfortable thin-soled shoes on a flat surface (floor, grass, yoga mat, carpet, etc.).

Class Schedule (Last Tuesday of the Month):

Tuesday October 29th 12:00-1:00pm EST (9:00am PST/6:00pm CET/CEST)


ZOOM LINK – Find the Zoom login link in your Eventbrite ticket confirmation email. A reminder with the link will also be emailed to ticket holders prior to scheduled class time.

Unable to attend LIVE? All classes are recorded and a replay link will be emailed to ticket holders within 24 hours of the class regardless of attending LIVE or not. Great to practice the flows at your own convenience!

I wish you good Qi and a Bright Spirit! Amituofo.

Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor or other health professional before starting any new physical movement program. By purchasing a ticket and checking the disclaimer and liability waiver agreement box, you agree to take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing during the class and thereafter.

F or more class offerings and about me check out my LinkTree

Kimberly is a YOQI® Associate Qigong Flow Instructor and a spirit location medium. She has been practicing YOQI® Qigong Flow since 2018 and received her certification in 2022 in Thailand from founder Marisa Cranfil. She discovered Qigong when looking for an energetic grounding and meditative practice that was gentle on her physical limitations and promoted a sense of deeper connection with life. Qigong has greatly helped her energetic awareness as a sensitive/intuitive and she loves sharing this ancient wellbeing practice with others!

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