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  • MenoDay 2024

    Palais Niederösterreich, Event-Residenzen Niederösterreich 13 Herrengasse, Wien

    Das Lifestyle- und Gesundheitsevent rund um die WechseljahreWechseljahre? Dieser Tag gehört dir!Der Wechselweise MenoDay: Das Lifestyle-Gesundheitsevent zum Thema Wechseljahre und Menopause!Unter dem Motto Gesundheit. Lifestyle. Community. bekommst du erstklassige Information zu Themen wie Hormone, Schlaf, Ernährung, Sport, Beauty, Psyche, Sexualität, Femtech, Empowerment, Finanzwissen, Future Health, Rechtsberatung, Lifestyle und Wellness.Was dich erwartet:zahlreiche Workshops* (Reservierungsgebühr!)Beratung von Top-Expert:innenAustausch mit anderen FrauenExklusive Treatments*Der Besuch der Workshops ist nur mit gültigem MenoDay-Ticket möglich. Bitte bringe dein eventbrite-Ticket ausgedruckt oder am Handy mit zum Event.Die MenoDay ErlebnisweltenWohlfühlerlebnisse und Gesundheitswissen durch ausgewiesen Expertinnen rund um die Wechseljahre - das bieten die MenoDay Erlebniswelten unserer Kooperationspartner.Dich erwarten persönliche Beratung, Goodies und aktive Programme - von Wellness, Prävention und Ernährung über Beauty und Hautpflege bis hin zu finanzieller Vorsorge und speziellen Versicherungsangeboten.Nimm dir Zeit,…

    Menopause & Midlife: How to navigate it all with fun & grace

    If you’ve been experiencing mood swings, anxiety, or a loss of direction, this masterclass will provide the tools you need to regain balanceMenopause & Midlife: How to navigate it all with fun & graceStuck in the throes of perimenopause? Hair falling out, itching skin, mood swings, or other changes in your body? Struggling with energy, confidence, or clarity? Or how about feeling overwhelmed and reassessing your life? Looking at this life you're currently living and thinking it's time for a change? You’re not alone. This masterclass is designed to help you reclaim your power and joy in this pivotal phase of life.Join us for an exciting online event: Menopause & Midlife: how to navigate it all with fun and grace. Live attendees will have a…

    Dancing with your Hormones: Master Stress and Boost Vitality

    A wellness workshop where you'll learn about your female hormones and how to optimize them naturally for better energy, mood, and healthIf you're a woman who wants to optimize your vitality, moods, and wellbeing - let's talk about your hormones. 💃Your hormones dramatically influence - and are influenced by - the way you see the world. When your hormones are balanced and optimal, you feel energized, clear, and ready to take on the world. When they're not, you often feel exhausted, depleted, and disengaged.In this webinar, I'll take you on a journey into your key female hormones, how they interact, and the four most common ways they get out of balance. We'll also focus on how the right foods, mindset, and emotional habits can set…

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