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  • Thursday Night is Playfight Night – Unmasked: Vulnerability as Strength

    Semmelweisklinik Hockegasse 37, Wien

      Thursday Night is Playfight Night!  Join us every Thursday evening for empowering Playfight sessions at our new home: the cozy and bright studio (n.11) at Semmelweisklinik! Whether you're a newcomer or an experienced participant, there’s something for everyone. What to Expect 17:00: Doors open - arrive early to relax and connect.17:30: Newbie introduction for first-timers (optional if it isn't your first time).18:15: Main Playfight session with themed explorations.20:45: Community time - snack, chat, and unwind together.22:00: Doors close. Note: you can join for the introduction, or - if you have already been at one of my playfight sessions - you can join at 18:15 for the main session. Every session will be characterized by a topic - explored over the span of 2 weeks…

    Featured Empfohlen Event Series 5Rhythmen Donnerstags-Waves in Wien

    5Rhythmen Donnerstags-Waves in Wien

    GRG2 Zirkusgasse Wien Weintraubengasse 29, Wien

    Offene Gruppe, keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Alle sind willkommen unabhängig von Alter, Fitness, Vorerfahrung, Geschlecht... Es sind keine Schritte zu lernen. Come as you are ! Mitbringen: Wasserflasche, bequeme Kleidung und Freude an Bewegung und Tanz. Wir tanzen barfuß. Peter und Marion werden abwechselnd unterrichten. (Info:

    15€ – 25€

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